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MoYu Super RS3M 3x3 Speed Cube Magnetic (MagLev Ball-Core)


Product details

  • The MoYu Super RS3M 2022 Maglev Ball-Core version 2022 3x3 (MagLev Ball-Core) is an RS3 M with a new mechanism. This one uses MagLev technology in place of springs, which relies on repelling magnets to replicate spring force. This reduces friction and completely eliminates spring noise, as there are no springs.
  • 76 Pcs magnets are properly placed in order to provide a good turning experience, Ball-Core Positioning-The ball shaft and the corner block are embedded with a magnet, so that the layers are attracted to each other by the magnetic force and rotate into place rapidly.
  • Magnetic attraction and repulsion, working together--An effortless flick will break away the magnetic attraction, then the pole reversal happens, now with magnetic repulsion the cube has a 35°+ “auto-homing” ability. Joined forces of corners and the ball-core, awakening the power of speed.
  • Dragon Scales Anti-sticky Holes--Under the premise of stable turnings, reducing a reasonable amount of interfaces to improve the anti-sticky ability. Along with the anti-sticky design result in an improved stable feel and put sticky problem to an end.
  • Solving puzzles and brain teasers are important activities that teach children to work hard on complex problems, increase their spatial awareness, develop a sense of space, and enhance memory.

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